Humiliation At Its Best: Thai Cops Punished By Wearing Hello Kitty Armbands

If you’re a police officer in Bangkok and you happen to be late at work, park in the wrong place or commit any other misdemeanors then get ready to be punished by wearing a bright pink… “Hello Kitty” armband with two hearts embroidered on it.

This degrading internal law was improvised by Thai police chiefs in order to punish officers who break the rules. "This is to help build discipline. We should not let small offences go unnoticed," Police Colonel Pongpat Chayapan told Reuters news agency. "Guilty officers will be made to wear the armbands in the office for a few days, with instructions not to disclose their offences. Let people guess what they have done," he added.

As funny as it may seem to outsiders, in our opinion this is a totally unacceptable internal rule that humiliates and degrades a human being’s personality.

Via: bbc , Pic: AP


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